Friday, May 01, 2009

Still drawing

No worries, I'm still working on various things.
Mostly concentrating on one piece in particular: 'The Collector' in colored pencil. I've come to the tedious part - leaves and flowers and sky. It's mostly done except for the girl, leaving her for last so the colors stay sharp. And the finest of details at the very end.
Then I'll start the next big figurative piece, I think I've finally got the color scheme sorted out spirals are tough and I've got 2 together in that one, it's easy to draw yourself into a corner. I've done it before where in 2 bends of the spiral the colors ended up the same which threw the entire thing visually out of whack... so I'm being very particular about it this time. It's too big and too much work to mess it up like that.

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