Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Brighter Paintings Ahead

Here are some of my best pieces

colored pencil 29 x 21
This is kind of like a trademark image for me, something I think has no limits with what I could do with it.

Colored pencil 24 x 26.
I've had this hung in my garage (someday to be studio) and I never realized that I hadn't posted it anywhere. I only had one poor quality file image of it, so I always put it off. Then I guess I just forgot. Funny, what having a toddler does to the memory!

Colored Pencil about 20 x 24
Another of my moodier ones. I'm kind of thinking I should do more of these, I like the brightness with the darker subject matter,..... Of course it's different to create something darker if you're not in that state of mind.....

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