Sunday, January 18, 2009

First Watercolors

These are the first ones I liked. I did plenty of landscapes, boats and houses first semester, didn't like many of them though. These are still some of my favorites.

The Dive. Watercolor 11 x 17, ink outlining.

Psychadelic. watercolor 11 x 17 with ink outlining.
This is one of the very first pictures of the style I came up with in college, with homage to Keith Haring for certain. (especially in other works) In actuality, I must have been seeing his works for some time - it was the late '80's after all! I never thought of him specifically as an influence until someone else pointed it out.

Psychadelic II
watercolor 11 x 17 with ink outlining
This is a second version, done on a different kind of paper which made for a very different effect. I like the first one better.

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