Monday, March 26, 2018

Second Wave on Etsy

Trying to play catch up a bit on here so I can start posting more regularly on this process. I have SO many categories to go through. It's Overwhelming if I actually start looking at it. Which I must do this next couple weeks.
The second thing I put up on Etsy was the sewing patterns. Another thing I inherited that cost me actually nothing but the time and effort of storing and moving them around. Once again, Simple shipping. Easy storing them while waiting to sell. Amazing the actual number of them I have. Honestly though both of my grandmothers and my mother were excellent seamstresses. They had a knack, and a patience for it that I simply do not. I can sew, and have on many occasions out of necessity. but I find it extremely frustrating. The last thing I made was a doll dress for my friends vampire doll that I finished that my mother had started. It drove me to tears on more than one occasion, ripping out imperfect stitches. And so, this was an easy category to start on. I still have dozens of doll patterns to add at a later date. The regular and craft patterns have done amazingly well. And I am truly happy that they are going to places where they are wanted.

My mom's mom was a professional seamstress at one point for Singer. And she won awards from Vogue patterns for her outfit designs. (Another thing going up on the Etsy soon will be stacks of Pendleton Wool plaids that she got from Oregon back in the 50's or 60's. Gorgeous, but I have no use for them.)

My dad's mom also sewed probably 90% of her outfits, clothes for everyone in the family actually. When I was in the 8th grade, I became really fashion conscious and upset that our family couldn't buy the ultra popular Jordache jeans. (Annoying in retrospect. But that was a Very awkward time for me) My Grandma Verla set about making a to the stitch and Emblem pair of light blue Jordache knock offs, with unicorn logo. They were perfect. I still have them in storage. I actually still have a number of items they made, for me through the years, and for themselves, that I will probably keep forever. There are some things that just aren't a part of the De-accumulation process. Or at least not till the very end. I have way too much on my plate to begin with to focus on, but I guess we shall see towards the end.

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