Saturday, February 21, 2009


Watercolor. - size 22 by 30 inches.
Big, too big really, It proved hard to get a good picture of and I'm afraid a lot of the details will be lost.

I'm thinking of putting it on my myspace page: [link] - I'll add a lot of close ups there with the detail so they can be seen, since I don't know how you would do that here.

Kind of a self portrait, kind of not It's got a lot of personal symbolism for me which is in essence the portraiture.
The blade of grass in the hand is what started the whole thing, it's from Stephen Kings concept of our universe being a single cell in a blade of grass, in an ocean of grass.
It also brings to mind Blake's eternity in a grain of sand.
Basically it has a lot of my favorite Boschian imagery, animals, the Frida Kahlo thorn necklace, the fairy wings, a bit of vampirishness, a bit of tarot, etc. I can always think of more things to add. But it will have to wait for the next one, this one is pretty full!


Anonymous said...

wow, really like your style...

Anonymous said...

glad i stumbled over :)