Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pulling Apart

This piece originated as a doodle, as many of them do, in my sketchbook. I colored it in on a whim, with markers of some sort. I've liked it enough to take a picture, but never thought much of it.

Pulling Apart
prismacolor colored pencil 8.5 x 11

Then in a unique turn of events, I was reunited with an old friend of almost 20 years ago, someone who had inspired me at the very beginning of this long artistic journey of mine and whom I had always hoped I would be able to maintain a friendship with.
He pointed out some things in this that opened my eyes to it. And so I decided to redraw it the way I thought it should be. And now it's his.

This turned out pretty good for being so small, the more I look at it the more I love it. Hopefully I can do more like it. It was fast and fun to do.

(I still haven't mastered taking a picture without catching a bit of glare. You have to fixative it to prevent bloom. I think next time I'll try taking the photos before I do that last step. So it will be shiny but it's not that shiny.)

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