Monday, January 19, 2009

Some printmaking

Here are some of my attempts anyway. I took printmaking, as well as gallery operation and management from Robin Bernstein. She was an awesome teacher. I learned a lot from her classes.

This is 4 x 6 from an engraving on a metal plate, from my printmaking class back in college.

this was a linoleum block print - 11 x 14, from printmaking class back in college. The idea was to make prints of the image as you carved it, which my figures made very easy. I just made the bars first then the people as they go up and become birds. I have a big book of the project in one of my folders somewhere but I especially liked this one print.

This painting is the original I based the print on.
Around 18 x 24. watercolor and ink.

This is just me playing around with color inversion.

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